Belviq Injury Lawyer In Chicago

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If you or a loved one have experienced health complications due to using Belviq, you likely have questions about what comes next or your legal options. Research shows people who took Belviq have an increased risk of severe health issues, including a higher chance of developing several types of cancer. Based on this research, the FDA asked Belviq’s manufacturer to withdraw the drug from the market, and people across the country are taking steps to hold the company accountable.

At Wallace Miller, our Chicago dangerous drug lawyers have the necessary experience, knowledge, and dedication to help you recover compensation for your injuries. Complex cases like these are one of our firm’s core practice areas, and we know what it takes to hold drug companies liable for their actions. We can explain your case in plain English, file a claim on your behalf, and represent you in settlement negotiations or at trial, if it comes to that. Call (312) 261-6193 today or reach out online for a complimentary case evaluation.

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What was Belviq?

Belviq, the brand name of the drug lorcaserin, was a weight loss medication designed to help obese individuals and those with weight-related medical issues to shed pounds and improve their health. In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initially approved Belviq for use by adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater, or adults with a BMI of 27 or greater who had at least one weight-related health condition, such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.

Belviq worked by affecting chemicals in the brain that influence appetite. More specifically, Belviq targeted a specific type of receptor, known as a serotonin receptor, that influences feelings of fullness after eating. By activating these receptors, Belviq was supposed to make users feel full after eating less food than they usually would, helping them to reduce their calorie intake and, thus, lose weight. However, despite its intended beneficial effects, the drug was linked with several serious health risks, leading to a recall in 2020.

Why did the FDA recall Belviq and Belviq XR?

The FDA recalled Belviq and Belviq XR in February 2020 following the results of a clinical trial that suggested an increased risk of cancer among people who took the drug. The trial, part of the FDA’s post-marketing requirements to assess the drug’s safety, involved about 12,000 participants over five years. While the primary focus was on how Belviq could affect the heart, the trial unexpectedly revealed that more patients taking Belviq were diagnosed with cancer compared to those taking a placebo.

The types of cancer varied, including pancreatic, colorectal, and lung cancer. After carefully considering these findings, the FDA concluded that the potential risks of Belviq outweighed its benefits. The agency requested that the manufacturer, Eisai Inc., voluntarily withdraw Belviq and Belviq XR from the market.

Injuries and diseases linked to Belviq

In its statement requesting the Belviq recall, the FDA said its primary safety concern was the increased cancer risk among those who took the drug. Some cancers linked to taking Belviq or Belviq XR include:

  • Pancreatic cancer: This type of cancer starts in the lining of the pancreas, an organ in the abdomen that aids digestion and produces insulin. Pancreatic cancer is highly aggressive and has a 5-year survival rate of only 12 percent.
  • Colorectal cancer: There are several different kinds of colorectal cancer, all of which are parts of the large intestine. Depending on where the disease starts, it’s also known as bowel, rectal, or colon cancer. Colorectal cancer is the third-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S.
  • Lung cancer: Lung cancer is far and away the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. The 5-year survival rate for small cell lung cancer is just 7 percent, while the rate for non-small cell lung cancer is 28 percent.

Potential compensation from a Belviq lawsuit

If you suffered an injury or illness from taking Belviq, you could recover significant compensation by filing a personal injury claim. Depending on your injuries and other factors specific to your case, your compensation could include money for:

  • Your medical bills, including the cost of future treatments you need.
  • Your lost wages and reduced earning capacity.
  • Your pain and suffering.
  • Your emotional distress.
  • Your diminished quality of life.

Deadline to file a Belviq lawsuit

In Illinois, plaintiffs generally must file a personal injury lawsuit within two years of their injury. However, there are exceptions to this rule, including in some cases where the plaintiff doesn’t discover their injury immediately. Talk to a lawyer immediately to protect your right to seek compensation for your injuries.

How our Chicago dangerous drug attorneys can help

Finding your way through the legal wilderness of a Belviq case can be a complex and demanding process. An experienced attorney can help you with your claim in several ways:

  • Evaluation: An attorney will begin by thoroughly evaluating your case to determine if you have a valid claim. They’ll gather and review all relevant medical records and evidence to establish a direct link between your illness and your use of Belviq.
  • Legal guidance: With their deep understanding of pharmaceutical law and litigation, an attorney can explain your rights, the legal process, and what you can expect at each stage of the lawsuit.
  • Filing the lawsuit: Your attorney can draft and file a comprehensive legal complaint against the responsible parties. They will handle all the paperwork and meet all legal deadlines, ensuring your claim is properly presented.
  • Negotiating settlements: Often, pharmaceutical companies will propose a settlement to avoid a lengthy court trial. Your attorney can negotiate with the defense on your behalf, leveraging their experience and negotiation skills to maximize your compensation.
  • Trial advocacy: If your case goes to trial, a skilled attorney can argue passionately on your behalf, presenting the evidence and making a persuasive case to the jury about the harm you sustained and why you deserve compensation.
  • Peace of mind: Perhaps most importantly, an attorney takes on the burden of the legal fight, allowing you to focus on what’s most important: your health and recovery.

Our firm is committed to providing top-tier legal representation to victims of Belviq and their families. We are prepared to fight for the justice and compensation you deserve. Call Wallace Miller today at (312) 261-6193 for a free consultation, or you can reach out online.

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