Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Chicago

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Were You Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?

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If you’ve been hurt in a motorcycle accident in Chicago, Illinois, you know that a motorcycle collision can dramatically change your life in seconds.

You likely sustained injuries in the wreck. If your injuries are serious, which is also likely, you may now be struggling to pay costly medical bills for treatment. Unfortunately, serious injuries can also prevent you from holding down a job and earning a paycheck. In addition, they can cause struggles others may not perceive, such as emotional and physical pain.

Our compassionate legal professionals at Wallace Miller understand that adjusting to life after a motorcycle wreck can be a significant challenge. We want to help by reviewing your case to determine your potential legal options.

You may be eligible to receive compensation for your medical bills and related losses. A Chicago motorcycle accident attorney who has experience with accident victims facing off against insurance companies can help you pursue what you deserve. Get started by contacting us today for a free consultation.

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle crash, your injuries could be quite serious. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists are four times more likely to sustain injuries in motor vehicle wrecks than car drivers and passengers.

Motorcycles don’t protect riders the way cars and other enclosed vehicles do other drivers. Because motorcyclists are more vulnerable than others, their injuries are often more serious.

Common wreck injuries motorcycle riders deal with include:

  • Spinal cord injuries, which may lead to paralysis
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which can lead to mental and emotional health issues, cognition problems, etc.
  • Burns
  • Fractures
  • Neck injuries
  • Loss of limbs
  • Loss of vision or hearing
  • Internal bleeding
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Disfigurement
  • Lacerations
  • Death

Medical expenses for motorcycle accident victims and injury treatment can be very high. Additionally, someone recovering from motorcycle wreck injuries may have to endure long-term pain and suffering.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Chicago

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently released a study of the causes of fatal Chicago motorcycle accidents and wrecks throughout the country. According to the researchers, factors that often contribute to or cause motorcycle crashes include:

  • Road design issues
  • Lack of roadway maintenance
  • Distracted driving
  • Improper lane choice
  • Speeding
  • General lack of driving skills
  • Unfamiliarity with a roadway
  • Mechanical issues
  • Failure to check for or detect hazards
  • Aggressive driving
  • Drug/alcohol use
  • General unsafe acts

These examples don’t represent the complete findings. However, they’re noteworthy because they indicate how other parties may cause motorcycle wrecks. Victims of motorcycle wrecks in Chicago may file injury claims when their crashes result from the actions or carelessness of others.

Compensation Available in a Chicago Motorcycle Wreck Case

A motorcycle wreck may cause losses and severe injuries that could fall into these two categories:

  • Economic
  • Non-economic

Economic losses are losses like medical bills, lost wages, and any other financial loss that appears on a balance sheet. However, calculating how much compensation you may deserve for economic losses isn’t always as simple as adding up your bills and determining the extent of your lost wages.

Serious motorcycle wreck injuries may leave you in need of care and medical treatment for years to come. They could also indefinitely limit your ability to work and earn an income.

Pursuing fair compensation after a motorcycle wreck may require estimating the “value” of future economic losses. It may also involve applying specialized formulas to assign dollar values to intangible losses like pain and suffering.

Understanding the types of losses you may receive compensation for is critical after a wreck. An insurance claims adjuster could easily convince you to settle for less compensation than you deserve if you’re not familiar with your rights.

Potentially Liable Parties in a Chicago Motorcycle Wreck Case

You can seek compensation for motorcycle wreck injuries and related losses by filing a personal injury claim with the insurance of the motorcycle accident claim or the party who caused the collision. Sometimes, that party won’t have insurance. Even if they do, their insurer might not offer a fair settlement. You may have to seek damages in court by filing a lawsuit in these circumstances.

Parties who may be liable in Chicago motorcycle wreck cases include:

  • Motorists – Very often, the party responsible for a crash is a careless driver. Motorists can seriously injure motorcyclists because their vehicles are much heavier.
  • Pedestrians – A pedestrian could cause a motorcycle wreck in several ways. For instance, a pedestrian could walk into the street when they don’t have the right of way. If they were to walk in front of the path of an oncoming motorcycle, the motorcyclist may have to veer off to avoid them. That’s just one potential scenario in which a pedestrian could cause a wreck. That said, FHWA data indicate motorcycle crashes resulting from pedestrian behavior are uncommon.
  • Designers and manufacturers – The designers or manufacturers of a motorcycle may be liable after a crash resulting from mechanical failure or similar equipment issues. Or, the designers or manufacturers of a specific part might be liable if an issue with that part causes a crash.
  • Government agencies – Government agencies have a duty to keep motorists safe by addressing hazardous road conditions, ensuring traffic signs and signals are working and visible, etc. In some cases, government agencies are liable for motorcycle crashes because they neglect these duties.

You must gather evidence of liability when filing a personal injury claim. An insurance company might deny your claim if you can’t show evidence proving liability.

How Chicago Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Can Help You

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Chicago motorcycle accident lawyers can help you gather evidence to prove liability by thoroughly investigating a motorcycle crash. Conducting an investigation of this nature could involve interviewing witnesses, reviewing police reports, gathering pictures and footage, coordinating with crash reconstruction professionals, and more.

You don’t have to conduct this investigation yourself. A personal injury lawyer handling Chicago car wreck cases can investigate motorcycle accident caused the wreck on your behalf.

Other ways a lawyer can assist you include:

  • Documenting your losses – Along with submitting evidence of liability, you’ll need to submit evidence of the losses for which you’re seeking compensation when you file a claim. Documentation of your losses may include copies of medical bills, pay stubs, and so on. An attorney can help you gather the documentation you need to strengthen your claim.
  • Calculating compensation – No lawyer should ever guarantee a client will receive a specific sum when handling their case. It’s unethical for attorneys to promise their clients that they will receive an exact amount of money. However, an attorney can apply their experience handling cases like yours to calculate the approximate value of your claim. Doing so may involve applying specialized formulas and techniques you’re unfamiliar with.
  • Filing your claim – You need to rest while recovering from motorcycle wreck injuries. Recovering may be easier if a Chicago motorcycle accident law firm completes and submits claim paperwork for you instead of requiring you to handle these tasks personally.
  • Negotiating – The insurance company’s first settlement offer might be too low. You do not have to accept an offer if you genuinely believe you’re eligible to receive more. A lawyer can help you evaluate an offer to determine if it’s fair or if you need to push back. If an offer is unreasonably low, a personal injury lawyer can negotiate with the insurance company.

The goal of negotiating is to arrive at a fair out-of-court settlement. However, some insurance companies refuse to budge during negotiations.

You might have to file a lawsuit to pursue damages. A lawyer can represent you in court if necessary.

How Long Do You Have to File a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in Chicago?

Illinois establishes a two-year deadline for filing a lawsuit after a motorcycle wreck. You may waive your right to compensation if you don’t file a lawsuit within two years of the collision. The two-year deadline for a personal injury lawsuit also applies if you’re filing a wrongful death lawsuit after some fatal motorcycle accidents.

These deadlines highlight another reason to strongly consider reviewing your case with a motorcycle injury law firm: lawyers can help ensure you submit all paperwork before the clock runs down.

Avoid Social Media After a Chicago Motorcycle Wreck

A lawyer may also help by explaining what you should and should not do while your case is pending. For instance, a motorcycle accident attorney may advise you to stay off social media.

Posting about your case on social media could complicate matters if a claims adjuster finds your posts. Even unrelated posts can get between you and the compensation you may deserve.

For example, a claims adjuster might look at pictures you’ve posted depicting you having a good time and engaging in recreational activities. They may conclude your injuries must not be serious if you can go out and have fun.

Don’t give an insurance company anything to use against you. Do your best to limit social media usage when pursuing compensation.

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Contact a Chicago Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The aftermath of a motorcycle wreck is a frightening and confusing time. It’s entirely understandable if you’re worried about your future right now.

Speaking with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney could address many of your concerns. At Wallace Miller, a Chicago motorcycle accident lawyer can answer your questions and offer the peace of mind that comes from knowing an attorney is helping you pursue maximum compensation. Learn more about how we can help by contacting us online today or calling us at (312) 261-6193 for a free case review.

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