Truck Accident Lawyer In Chicago

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In Need of a Truck Accident Lawyer?

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A truck wreck changes your life instantly. You know this all too well if you’ve been hurt in a Chicago commercial vehicle accident.

Any crash involving a semi truck or similar commercial vehicle is frightening. If the crash resulted from the actions or carelessness of a trucker or other such party, the aftermath of the collision may also be a very frustrating time.

Understanding your legal options is essential. You may be eligible to file a claim with the insurance company of the party who caused the wreck. Filing a claim is a means of pursuing compensation for medical bills and similar losses a truck accident claim may have incurred.

Speak with a truck driver and accident lawyer in Chicago for more information. We at Wallace Miller are prepared to offer the compassionate and dedicated representation you and your family deserve. Contact us today for more information about how we can help.

Common Causes of Chicago Truck Wrecks

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) studied the causes of wrecks and accidents involving large commercial trucks. The research indicates that truck drivers often directly cause crashes by:

  • Falling asleep at the wheel
  • Not paying attention to their surroundings
  • Making poor driving decisions, like driving too fast in hazardous driving conditions
  • Panicking or overcompensating in dangerous situations

Other common factors that often play roles in truck wrecks include:

  • Brake issues
  • Traffic flow issues
  • Drug use
  • Lack of familiarity with a particular road or region
  • Hazardous road conditions
  • Lack of proper surveillance
  • Fatigue

Truckers may experience fatigue behind the wheel if they feel they need to stick to strict delivery schedules to satisfy their employers. The pressure to adhere to a strict schedule can cause a trucker to drive long hours without proper rest. Unfortunately, driving without getting enough sleep can be similar to drunk driving in terms of how dangerous it is.

Trucking accident and wreck trends may also have changed in recent years. For instance, throughout the U.S., distracted driving collisions have become increasingly common in the age of smartphones. As a result, trucker inattention may now be a more significant cause of truck wrecks than it has been in the past.

Compensation Available After a Chicago Truck Crash

A serious truck accident may cause serious injuries. The odds are that your treatment has been very costly. Unfortunately, your injuries may also limit your ability to perform basic work duties. Paying for medical care could be particularly challenging when you’re not earning a consistent income.

Losses like medical bills and lost wages are “economic losses” that you may receive compensation for after a truck wreck.

Economic losses have dollar values. When seeking compensation, an economic loss could also technically be a loss you’re likely to incur in the future. For instance, you may need long-term medical care if your injuries are severe.

Seek compensation accordingly when negotiating with the insurance company. You can estimate the cost of future care to ensure your settlement covers medical expenses that you haven’t incurred but will incur in the years to come. You can also seek compensation for future losses like lost earnings.

In addition, you can apply specialized formulas to assign dollar values to certain intangible losses after a truck wreck. A common example of such a loss is pain and suffering. If a truck wreck causes serious personal injury, you may experience physical and emotional/mental discomfort as you recover. You may pursue compensation for these losses accordingly.

Common Truck Wreck Injuries

A big rig can cause serious harm in a collision. Common injuries someone might sustain in a truck wreck include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Fractures
  • Amputations
  • Burns
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Loss of vision/hearing
  • Paralysis
  • Death

It’s not uncommon for truck wreck injuries to permanently affect a victim’s life. For example, a spinal cord injury from a truck accident may leave someone paralyzed.

Now, they may no longer be able to work, support their family, or even participate in activities they once enjoyed. A victim in these circumstances deserves compensation if the crash or truck accident injuries resulted from someone else’s actions or carelessness.

Determining Liability in a Truck Accident Case

Determining who caused a truck wreck is one of the first steps you must take when seeking compensation. To pursue compensation for a semi truck accident, you can file a claim with the liable party’s insurance. You have to identify the liable party and gather evidence showing they caused the wreck to do so.

Potentially liable parties in a Chicago truck crash case include:

  • The trucker – In some instances, you may hold an individual trucker liable for causing a wreck.
  • The trucking company – A trucker is essentially a representative of their employer on the road. Even if a trucker’s actions or carelessness technically caused a wreck, the trucking company may be the liable party. Trucking companies can be liable because they are responsible for hiring qualified drivers. Thus, the trucking company may be liable when one of its drivers causes a crash.
  • Truck and truck part designers or manufacturers – Some truck wrecks result from vehicle issues, like brake failure. The liable party may be the manufacturer/designer of a truck or its parts if a crash occurred because of part failure or similar causes.
  • Maintenance teams – Some trucking companies handle their own fleet maintenance and upkeep needs. Others hire external companies to handle fleet maintenance. Regardless, the team responsible for maintaining a fleet of trucks may be liable if a crash results from improper maintenance.
  • Government agencies – A government agency might be a liable party in a truck wreck if the cause was a hazardous road condition the relevant government agency failed to address. Although these truck accident case are rare, they aren’t completely unheard of.

Be aware that determining liability isn’t something you need to address personally. You could hire a law firm or a Chicago truck accident attorney to assist with this task.

What Does a Truck Accident Lawyer Do?

Truck Accident Lawyer In Chicago image 2Injury lawyers can play various roles in a case after a truck wreck. An attorney may help you pursue compensation by:

  • Explaining options – Understanding your rights after a truck wreck is often easier with help from a legal professional. An attorney can review your case, answer your questions, and generally discuss whether you may be eligible to receive compensation.
  • Investigating the crash – You might have to gather evidence proving liability before an insurance company will agree to pay you the compensation you deserve. Gathering evidence can require investigating the crash. Conducting such an investigation is a complex task you could hire a lawyer to handle on your behalf.
  • Determining fair compensation – Attorneys can’t make promises when discussing how much compensation their clients may be eligible to receive. What your lawyer can do is document your losses and calculate the approximate potential value of your claim.
  • Handling administrative tasks – Tasks such as completing and submitting claim paperwork are time-consuming and tedious. After a truck wreck that may have caused serious injury, you want to focus on your recovery instead of burdening yourself with these tasks. Hire a lawyer to handle them for you.
  • Negotiating – You’re at a disadvantage when pursuing compensation from an insurance company by yourself. An insurer may pressure you into accepting a settlement offer before you’ve had time to evaluate it and determine if it’s fair. On the other hand, a lawyer could evaluate settlement offers and negotiate with the insurance company if their initial offers are too low.

Going to trial may be necessary if the insurance company stubbornly refuses to offer a fair settlement. A lawyer can file a lawsuit and represent you in court if this happens.

The Importance of Staying Off Social Media After a Truck Crash in Chicago

Don’t make the mistake of posting about your wreck on social media. Although you may feel the urge to vent, doing so could harm your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve.

Even posting seemingly unrelated content on social media can negatively influence your case’s outcome. For example, maybe you post pictures from a vacation in which you appear to be participating in sports or other recreational activities. An insurance company could use these pictures as evidence when arguing that your injuries aren’t that serious.

If you’ve hired a lawyer, ask them about mistakes you should avoid while your case is pending. They can help you guard against errors that might get between you and fair compensation.

What is the Statute of Limitations for Filing a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Chicago?

You must file a lawsuit within two years of your crash to pursue damages in court. You’ll no longer have the right to seek compensation this way if you miss the deadline.

Hitting deadlines is another reason to consider hiring truck accident attorneys. Lawyers can ensure you file all paperwork in a timely manner.

Our Personal Injury Lawyers Also Focus on the Following Areas:

Contact a Chicago Truck Accident Lawyer

After a crash involving an 18-wheeler or other large truck, you don’t have to pursue compensation alone. After your crash, you need to prioritize adjusting to life changes as you recover from major injuries.

At Wallace Miller, a Chicago truck accident lawyer can pursue compensation on your behalf. We understand that you’ve endured a traumatic experience. While we can’t change the past, we can help you feel more optimistic about the future by leveraging our experience and resources to fight for what you’re owed. Get started today by contacting us online or calling us at (312) 261-6193 for a free case review.

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